Inspiration with Tamara Magel

Designer: Tamara Magel
Occupation: Interior Designer
Studio Location: New York and Palm Beach
Instagram: @tamaramageldesign

Tamara Magel are a full service Interior Design studio specializing in new builds. They focus on high-end residential and commercial projects; exclusive and understated luxury.

—describe your interior style?

I would say lately, we’re focusing on classic, making statements that create a unique and dramatic accents, but in a comfortable way that’s easy to live in and nurturing.

—the most important thing you’ve designed to date:

Haha, that’s impossible to say everything we do is important to us! 

—a project you are working on now?

We’re renovating a hotel restaurant in New York City, we’re working on an office building in Palm Beach and doing multiple beautiful houses.

—what do you do when you're not working?

Travel, pilates, currently renovating my own house, flea markets, farmers markets (I’m very interested in supporting regenerative, farmers) however, I would say when you’re a designer that it consumes most of your life. I live and breathe design!

—are you embracing any particular trends at the moment?

I’d say we are leaning into more color, also we still enjoy things serene. There are certain areas that we are incorporating more color than we used to. I think that’s a big trend this year however it still has to be liveable. I do not like to create spaces that are too disruptive to the eye.

—top 3 suppliers you love working with:

Studio Twenty Seven.
Invisible Collection.
Apparatus Studio.

—on your coffee table right now:

Art books.
Large oversized organic vase.
A Micheal Verheyden marble tray.

—advice you would give a young designer starting their career:

Try to get a job with the best designers and learn. Don’t be in a rush to go on your own! 

 —favourite hotel in the world:

Goodness, I like so many. Chateau Voltaire, Hotel Locarno.

—designer hero:

At the moment,  Joseph Dirand.

Learn more about Tamara Magel over on her website


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